Damiana Chocolate
Active Ingredients: Damiana, Ashwaganda, Ginseng, Scalcap, Shitavari
Recommendations: for lovers/ hikers/ sleepy students. Increases endurance and stamina, strong energy tonic without heart racing, adaptogens (will help to deal with stress/ grand tasks and lack of energy)
Not recommended for kids, or during pregnancy/ nursing
$11.00 (100gr); $35 (pint size, 350gr); $25 (260gr special jar decorated by local mosaic artist)
I “Heart” Chocolate
Active Ingredients: Hawthornberry, Rose Brandy, Lemon Balm, Motherwort
Recommendations: To balance emotional downs, pregnancy/ PMS/ postpartum depression, lifts the spirit, patches up a broken heart, great cardiovascular tonic, warms digestion, used to bring up the passions, great for needy kids and teen girls, and wonderful for ANY chocolate lovers.
$11.00 (100gr); $35 (pint size, 350gr); $25 (260gr special jar decorated by local mosaic artist)
Nettle Chocolates
Active Ingredients: Nettle, Turmeric, Ginseng
Recommendations: endocrine disorders(diabetes, thyroid, adrenal), autoimmune disorders, reproductive weakness, postpartum, nursing, weak constitution, kids, or any chocolate lover......
$11.00 (100gr); $35 (pint size, 350gr); $25 (260gr special jar decorated by local mosaic artist)
Astragalus Honey
Active Ingredients: Raw Honey, Astragalus, Orange Peel
$15 3oz; $21 3oz with mosaic on the jar